Masao Ono, Ph.D./ 大野雅夫
Masao Ono is a composer from Japan, currently based in Vienna, Austria. His work explores the intersection of human-computer interaction, with a special focus on algorithmic composition and AI technology in music creation.
Ono earned his PhD in 2019 from Niigata University, where he studied Composition and Computer Music under Professor Kensaku Shimizu, receiving the University President’s Prize for his exceptional work. Following his doctoral studies, he served as a postdoctoral fellow in Composition at Niigata University.
Since 2019, he has completed postgraduate studies in Composition, Electroacoustic Composition, and Media Composition at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where he is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Composition. He is also enrolled in the master’s program in Experimental Game Cultures at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, which he began in 2023. Ono has additionally completed professional training programs in Max and OpenMusic at IRCAM in Paris, France.
He has studied with esteemed composers and musicians such as Kensaku Shimizu, Karlheinz Essl, Detlev Müller-Siemens, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, and Georg Nussbaumer, as well as conducting with Tetsuyuki Uno, Hisao Minowa, and Jaime Wolfson.
Ono’s compositions have been presented at international conferences and festivals, including SMC 2020 (Italy) and the Toy Music Festival in Seoul (South Korea), where he was invited as a featured artist. He has also received commissions from the Platypus Ensemble (Austria), further establishing his presence on international stages. He has been awarded several international composition competitions, including CCMC (Winner, Japan 2015), The 32nd Siegburg Composition Competition (3rd Prize, Germany 2020), and The Vienna Academia Musica 2nd Composition Competition (2nd Prize, Austria 2021).
ウィーン(オーストリア)在住、作曲家。近年はアルゴリズミックコンポジションやAIのテクノロジーにおける人間とコンピュータとのインタラクティブな関係性に着目した作曲を行なっている。2019年に新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科博士後期課程修了、学長賞受賞、博士号(学術)取得、その後渡欧。ウィーン国立音楽大学ポストグラデュエート課程作曲、電子音響作曲、メディア作曲専攻をそれぞれ奨学金を受け修了し、現在同作曲科博士課程に在籍中。2023年よりウィーン国立応用芸術大学修士課程”Experimental Game Cultures”にも在籍。
アカデミア・ムジカ国際作曲コンクール(オーストリア)第2位、ヨーロッパ作曲家コンクール(オーストリア)第2位、第32回ジークブルク作曲コンクール(ドイツ)第3位、ウィーン国際音楽賞作曲部門(オーストリア)第3位、petites forms 2020(フランス)ファイナリスト、International Composition Competition Electronic & Electroacoustic Masters(アメリカ)ファイナリスト、CCMC2015入選等。
作品はSMC 2020(イタリア)、The 2nd Toy Music Festival in Seoulへの招待(韓国)、Platypus Ensemble(オーストリア)から委嘱を受ける等、国際的に取り上げられている。